I was back in Kuala Lumpur for Asia ADR Week 2024 and an Oxford-style debate on the topic of ‘The Extent and Limitations of Arbitrators’ Discretionary Powers’.

I was back in Kuala Lumpur for Asia ADR Week 2024 and an Oxford-style debate on the topic of ‘The Extent and Limitations of Arbitrators’ Discretionary Powers’.
Last weekend the Asia ADR Summit was held in Kuala Lumpur. I had the honour and pleasure of participating in an Oxford-style debate on the topic: ‘This House believes that “humanity” is dispensable in arbitration, and artificial intelligence will supplant arbitrators in the future’.
Here is my statement and my rebuttal.
The Singapore Institute of Arbitrators invited me to debate the following motion: ‘This House Believes That Artificial Intelligence Will Have Replaced Arbitrators within Twenty-Five Years’. In short: can – will – algorithms replace arbitrators within a generation?
We were debating this last night. Here are my opening and closing statements.
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